Berean Standard Bible (BSB)


This text of God’s Word has been dedicated to the public domain. All uses are freely permitted.
The Berean Bible and Majority Bible texts are officially dedicated to the public domain as of April 30, 2023.
The Holy Bible, Berean Standard Bible, BSB is produced in cooperation with Bible Hub,
Discovery Bible,, and the Berean Bible Translation Committee.


“Now the Bereans were more noble-minded than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if these teachings were true.”
– Acts 17:11


Although one obective of the Holy Words Of God project is to give no commentary on Bible content,
I feel there is an essential comment that needs to be made on copyright that limits the use of God’s Words.

It is a serious concern that almost every translation of God’s Word in modern english is controlled by Copyright.
Literally hundreds of translations are attempting to control the use of God’s Word.
There are very few modern english translations which are Copyright Free and Public Domain.

To my knowledge, there is only ONE (1) translation of the Holy Bible which fits the following criteria:

  • Copyright Free and Public Domain
  • Modern Readable English
  • Acknowledgement of the deity of Christ through pronoun capitalisation
  • Accuracy with gender specific translation principles
  • Availability of all the majority source text
  • Precision in translation rendering with evidence of interlinear source content

The only translation I am aware of which follows that essential criteria is the Berean Standard Bible (BSB).


The Berean Standard Bible (BSB) is considered by some to be potentially the most accurate translation in English for many reasons. The BSB has 4 Tiers of translation to demonstrate the accuracy of verse rendering:

  • Tier 1:    An Interlinear Bible to directly follow the Hebrew and Greek texts.
  • Tier 2:   A Literal Translation to take the reader to the core of the Hebrew and Greek meanings.
  • Tier 3:   A Modern English study translation, effective for public reading, memorization, and evangelism.
  • Tier 4:   An Emphasized Translation to bring out the full meaning and intensity of the original texts.

The Berean Bible employs the principle of an open translation where all sources, interlinear, literal, study, are documented and matched to the original text, and the full translation tables are available to the public. All sources are linked through to the original source, making the multi-tiered translation process transparent.


For much of modern history, humans have been reading the King James Bible (KJV),
which has been considered historically to be the most accurate translation of God’s Word into English.
Languages develop over many centuries, and unfortunately the KJV uses archaic words
that most people do not understand in this age.
This means there is a great need for a Readable translation of God’s Word in Modern English.

When it comes to Modern English translations, unfortunately there are many humans and corporations and
spiritual entities who want to Control the use of God’s Word, and even want to make Money out of it.
Yes the Holy Bible is the biggest selling book of all time, and tops the sales lists every single year,
however limiting the use of God’s Word through copyright is something that should make us all shudder.

The Accuracy of translating God’s Word is of absolute and infinite importance.
There are a few modern translations which intentionally mistranslate God’s Word to endorse specific sins.
There are even a few modern translations which decide to mistranslate using gender neutral language.
These things may make us weep, however God has clearly stated in scripture the punishment for intentionally changing His words.

Another interesting element is most translations refuse to acknowledge of the Deity of Christ through pronoun capitalisation.
Basically this is simply using a capital Y for You and a capital H for He and Him when referring to Christ.
It is standard english to capitalise G for God when referring to God Almighty,
and using lowercase g for gods when referring to false gods and demons.
So it is essential for a truly correct translation to capitalise pronouns when referring to God and Christ.

Also certain scholars have suggested that a very small percentage of source manuscripts are missing some words.
Therefore it is important for a good translation to make available what is called the Majority text.
The Majority text is the largest number of ancient source manuscripts and
includes some words which have been omitted by some modern translations.
Although none of those word differences affect any core Christian doctrine.

The Scriptures in their original form are God’s inerrant Word to us and to all generations.
None of us are God and know the precise signature document sources, so we cannot risk omitting even a few of His words.
Therefore the Berean Bible translators have specifically made the Majority text available.
The Holy Words Of God project includes the Majority text content.


The Holy Bible, Berean Standard Bible, BSB is produced in cooperation with Bible Hub,
Discovery Bible,, and the Berean Bible Translation Committee.
This text of God’s Word has been dedicated to the public domain. All uses are freely permitted.
The Berean Bible and Majority Bible texts are officially dedicated to the public domain as of April 30, 2023.

Berean Bible Homepage –
Berean Interlinear Bible –
Berean Literal Bible –
Berean Standard Bible –
Majority Standard Bible –